Could you go 31 days without using processed food?
In other words, could you make almost every single food you ate from scratch for every meal? Such a challenge sounds like a great one for my family for October because…I will finally come up with homemade healthy snacks, my biggest challenge/failure right now.
This #Unprocessed food challenge is actually bigger than me. Andrew Wilder of Eating Rules started the challenge 2 years ago this October. Last year, 415 people took the pledge; this year, 854 have as of September 27th.
How to Join
- First of all, here’s Andrew’s definition of unprocessed food: Unprocessed food is any food that could be made by a person with reasonable skill in a home kitchen with readily available, whole-food ingredients.
- Andrew has a wonderful discussion on his definition page clarifying what this means for #Unprocessed Food challenge participants.
- Sign the petition. Pledge participants are listed at Eating Rules. You can also follow the challenge on Twitter using the #Unprocessed hashtag and on .
- Sit down with your family and decide what the challenge looks like for you based on the definition. Make sure your choices are made consciously not by habit.
- Make a meal plan using the ideas posted in October at Eating Rules. I’m going with a monthly meal plan that I’ll tweak each week.
My Family’s Plan
- Write a monthly menu plan at the end of September and put it into Springpad, my online menu planner.
- Write a list of snacks to make and schedule them in Springpad.
- Clean out processed foods from the pantry and freezer except for ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, and mayonnaise.
- The Exceptions for Processed Food: school birthday parties, school Halloween parties, and granola bars for my teenager.
Because I love meeting new people and sharing, this post is linked to:
Real Food Wednesday, Simple Lives Thursday, Your Green Resource, and Healthy2Day Wednesday